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Holistic Doula and HypnoBirthing® Educator supporting all your choices in Childbirth.

Best Doula in Bangkok, Thailand

My Doula Work

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My Supporting Options

My skills, knowledge and experience to support you to achieve the birth you want.


Partner’s Preparation

A well-prepared partner is source of love and continuous physical and emotional support.


Postpartum & Placenta

Customized services for your unique needs that I offer along with my Birth Doula support.

Mother breastfeeding and hugging newborn baby

Breastfeeding support

Breastfeeding support from prenatal education to hospital and home visits.

What my clients say ​

Tahireh and Kevin have shared the beautiful birth story of their second daughter on their YouTube channel ThampiKuehns 

I would recommend anyone to give birth with a doula like you, Yaz, no matter where they are in the world. Cannot believe that it’s not generally part of the health service, as it’s completely impossible to overstate how vital it is to have such support, both for the mother and the birth partner. E. and me talked a lot about how amazing it was having you with us. I think it was just as amazing for him to have your support as it was for me. We also agree wholeheartedly on the fact that the experience was pretty amazing and incredibly intense. I would kill to be able to have you as our doula again:).
Ias arrived in our lives as an international couple with families far-away as a blessing. I opted for a doula, as my mum passed away and really needed a feminine presence in one of the most precious moments of my life. And Ias was a second mother. From the beginning of the labour, when my LO decided to come earlier, until now. Ias is not only a trustful support but a warm heart with experience in guiding future mothers in delivering their babies. I had a wonderful birth experience and would love to have Ias next to me for another one.
Much love, Alina.
I still can't believe I got the VBAC birth that I wanted! I'm so grateful to you for helping me achieve this and believing in me even when I stopped believing in myself. Yaz, I find difficult to put into words what having you as my doula has meant to me. From the very beginning of our journey you took the time to get to know S. and I (and R) and worked with us to bring H. into the world the way we had wanted. Nothing seemed too much for you and you were always so generous with your time, knowledge and services. During the birth when things got really challenging for me, you knew how to support and encourage both S. and I with care and compassion. You knew when to push me further and believed in me and what I could do. Your support throughout it all has meant the world to me and I always will be so grateful to you.
August 2020

About me

Getting to know your Doula

I am Iasnaia, a born and bred Brazilian (with some Irish connection). After I  lived in London and Amsterdam for many years, my family and I moved to Bangkok. Previously, I had a varied career, including being a Lawyer, a Legal consultant, a Trader and a Head-hunter, which took me to Denmark, Switzerland, the UK and The Netherlands.
Most importantly, I am the mother of two home-birthed boys, the oldest of whom was born in a houseboat in 2007 and 2011 in Amsterdam. These amazing births opened my eyes and heart to the inner strength and power that every woman possesses. I wanted to learn more for myself, to be able to assist and help every woman experience positive, amazing, and safe births and to have the most beautiful memories of the day they gave birth.


Certifications, Training & Resources