What I do as a Paramana Birth Doula
First of all, I will come when you need me to attend to you and your needs during your labour and birth. I will stay with you as long as it takes, guiding and coaching, bringing knowledge, non-judgmental unbiased support, and a unique understanding of Birth Physiology and hospital clinical protocols learned in over 12 years of experience attending hundreds of births. With love, care, and wisdom, I will be your Paramana Doula, following the principles of undisturbed birth and the basic needs of a birthing mother based on Lamaze, Leboyer and Michel Odent’s observations. And I will support you through parenthood with extensive continuity of care.
My approach as a Paramana Birth Doula
My holistic approach is based on emotional encouragement and physical support, as well as the use of several relaxation techniques. I am a certified HypnoBirthing Educator and Yoga teacher.
I will support you prenatally, during Birth, and Postpartum, including Breastfeeding. For this purpose, I use my knowledge of Acupressure, Aromatherapy (with only organic essential oils), Spinning Babies, Homeopathy for childbirth, Rebozo, using positions before and during labour, counter-pressure, visualization, effective Breathing techniques, and Lactation education.
In preparing the mother and her partner extensively prenatally, we will work to build your confidence, self-trust, and knowledge of the birth process so that you can have your own choices and voices heard. My wish is to help you find your way to birth your baby and to provide the tools to birth your baby on your terms.