ללדת במדינה זרה, שבה התרבות והשפה כל כך שונים משלי יכול להיות מלחיץ ומרתיע, בייחוד כשמדובר בלידה ראשונה. לכן ידעתי שאני רוצה איתי דולה, שתלווה אותי ברגע המשמעותי הזה, תקשר ביני לבין הגורמים המעורבים ותעזור לי להגשים את הרצונות שלי בלידת בתי הבכורה.
החיבור עם יאז היה מידי, הגישה שלה התאימה מאוד לשלי והרגשתי איתה מאוד בנוח. כבר משלב ההכנה ללידה קיבלנו ממנה המון כלים וידע ששימש אותנו בשבועות שלפני הלידה, בלידה עצמה וגם אחרי.
ברגע האמת היא תפקדה בצורה מדהימה, ידעה בדיוק מה לעשות , איך להתנהל בבית החולים ומול הצוות, איפה ללחוץ, מה להגיד, ופשוט להיות שם בדיוק כפי שהייתי צריכה- וכפי שבעלי היה צריך שזה חשוב לא פחות. ללא ספק, חוויית הלידה הטובה שלנו היא הרבה בזכות יאז ואני ממליצה לכל אישה שרוצה חוויה כזו את יאז לידה.
Giving birth in a foreign country, where the culture and language are so different from mine can be stressful and daunting, especially when it comes to a first birth. So I knew I wanted a doula with me, who would accompany me in this significant moment, connect me with the parties involved and help me fulfill my desires at the birth of my eldest daughter.
The connection with Yaz was immediate, her attitude suited mine very well and I felt very comfortable with her. From the stage of preparation for the birth, we received a lot of tools and knowledge from her that were used by us in the weeks before the birth, during the birth itself and also after.
In the moment of truth she functioned amazingly, knew exactly what to do, how to behave in the hospital and in front of the staff, where to press, what to say, and just be there just as I needed to - and as my husband needed it to be just as important. Without a doubt, our good birth experience is much thanks to Yaz and I recommend to any woman who wants such an experience the Yaz birth.
December 2019
Anyway, just wanted to say thank you
B. was really calm during the whole process which really helped (he did try to use the TENS machine on me when he first arrived but I knew there was no time for that!)?.
Thank you so much for all the help and guidance! Im sure we will be using the skills you taught us next time around too ?
Angela and Beau
Partner's Preparation classes
October 2017
October 2017
Choosing to have a Doula attend the birth in the first place was one of the best choices I/we could have made!
Having someone as knowledgeable, compassionate and supportive as you to help with birth preparations definitely made me feel more prepared (in fact, as prepared as I possibly could be) for the birth of our daughter. The meetings with you were a good mix of information on physical and emotional aspects of labour and birthing. Your availability, flexibility, and quick responses were greatly appreciated. Both my husband and I felt fully supported by you throughout labour and birth – we couldn’t have asked for more. This first birthing experience was incredibly positive, and I’m happy to say that you will forever be part of our story!
September 2017
Ias arrived in our lives as an international couple with families far-away as a blessing. I opted for a doula, as my mum passed away and really needed a feminine presence in one of the most precious moments of my life. And Ias was a second mother. From the beginning of the labour, when my LO decided to come earlier, until now. Ias is not only a trustful support but a warm heart with experience in guiding future mothers in delivering their babies. I had a wonderful birth experience and would love to have Ias next to me for another one.
Iasnaia is a very professional, compassionate, supportive and charismatic doula. I have been the luck to deliver my first born with her at my side. My labour was an amazing journey. A trance experience. Iasnaia was guiding me on how to ride the contractions and how to move to progress progress. I loved every single moment of my delivery because I had her. My delivery was long and exhausting yet she accompanied me all the way through with courage and love. I recommend her fully.
Isabella R.
JULY 2017
Thanks so much, Yaz. This week with Theo has been amazing. He is so perfect and beautiful! We still are in awe of the birth experience and how precious it felt. Thank you so much for supporting us and guiding Matt in ways to help me, especially when I felt afraid of the transition! Also, some of the pictures you captured were fantastic. We will cherish them.
Abigail and Matt
Aug 2017
The best support I could wish for (beside my amazing husband of course!) during the last weeks of my second pregnancy and my first natural birth!
I never felt so loved, accepted and supported as during my labor, with Iasnaia and my husband holding my hands and being there for me all the time.
I couldn't have make it without her.
I recommend Iasnaia as a doula with all my heart ♥
Eleonora Spagnuolo
V, Born in July 2014
Dear Iasnaia,
When we first contacted you in the 37th week, we had a very limited idea of what a doula would do. With no female relatives in the country, at the last moment I felt I would like the presence of a woman who had given birth herself, while Gar wanted the security of backup labour support. We pretty much expected someone to show up at the birth with a bag of relaxing and pain-relieving tricks. We had no idea then of the extent of your actual care, and that involving you would be by far the best decision we made in preparing for labour and birth.
Your kindness, reassurance, candour and knowledge before, during and after our son’s birth have been invaluable. Your support had such a huge impact on our experience we cannot believe we were almost going to do without you! In these first weeks after our son’s arrival you are still caring for us – dropping off homemade goodies and a sling for us to try (those energy bars were insanely delicious and kept me going in the first days).
Thank you for everything – we think you are something special and feel very lucky to have found you.
Your kindness, reassurance, candour and knowledge before, during and after our son’s birth have been invaluable. Your support had such a huge impact on our experience we cannot believe we were almost going to do without you! In these first weeks after our son’s arrival you are still caring for us – dropping off homemade goodies and a sling for us to try (those energy bars were insanely delicious and kept me going in the first days).
Thank you for everything – we think you are something special and feel very lucky to have found you.
Deirdre, Gar and Lukas
born 8th February 2015
"If delivering a child is like running a marathon then a doula is the coach. Iasnaia was a constant presence before, during and after, providing relevant information, clarifying our doubts, demystifying our fears.
She shared our vision of a Positive Birth and Natural Birth. During the delivery she helped me to focus on breathing and mobility giving me confidence to be in control throughout all the stages of the delivery. And she also supports me in the process of embracing maternity and the required demands."
July 2014
I had a chance to experience Rebozo ceremony with Iasnaia 6 weeks after my birth. It was unforgettable and very special. First relaxing 4 hands massage with aromatic oil than bath with flowers and herbs and Rebozo scarfs treatment to put all the bones after delivery on the "place" and "close" women's body after delivery.
All the time support and a lot of presence from Iasnaia - very special women and DouIa. Besides the ceremony, she is always helpful in answering all my questions regarding postpartum period and Life after birth:-) Feeling like to know you!
Beata M
When I decided to ask Iasnaia to be my Doula, I wasn’t really sure if I should have the possibility to use her support and how finally she could have helped me. I was dreaming about a natural and super fast labour…then, unfortunately, I had a very long one and thanks God Iasnaia was there with me.
She’s been the best gift I made to myself and to my baby.
She’s been so professional and caring at the same time. She did her best to make me feel safe and she stayed with me during all my labour.
She made me understand that even if at the end didn’t give birth naturally,at least I tried to go through all the steps and I lived the experience which is the most important thing.
I am very glad that my husband and I were able to hire your doula services on such a short notice. We are most grateful for your support without which we would have not been able to follow (most) our birthing plan. We also very much appreciated all the tips, tricks and advice which we have received from you for labour preparation, birthing and postnatal care. Thank you for being there when we needed you and helping out with your expertise and knowledge.
K and N. Baby E
August 2018
I felt Yaz was really intuitive to our needs as to what we needed to know and what would benefit us both. I felt I hadn’t really prepared myself for childbirth but did actually know a fair amount which Yaz reassured me about yet also didn’t overload me with information. Yaz’s gentle nature helped us feel calm and confident in the days running up giving birth. The relaxation techniques Yaz offered me were really beneficial and the ones that involved my husband helping me I believe helped him be ready for supporting me during labour.
As a new parent it felt very reassuring to have the support of Yaz before and during the birth. Having Yaz with us made him less worried and felt safer, particularly for me during labour. It also felt very good to have help to prepare before the birth and to know we had the support there and available. He was very happy to have Yaz there to help who we already knew, even though we had just a few sessions beforehand, as opposed to only the nurses and doctor that we didn’t know. He felt very happy that not all the responsibility felt onto him!
Also by knowing that there was a western person of support with me meant a lot to me and gave me a lot of reassurance with being in a foreign country even as familiar that Thailand is for me. Plus having someone at the end of the phone in the days running up to giving birth who always responded positively as opposed to fear was really, really nice.
And I would really stress the important role that a Doula provides to both parents. I also felt that the hospital nurses and doctor were particularly respectful of my wishes and giving me space and time because of having a Doula with me. A friend had said about the importance of having someone at the birth who would be able to explain to you afterwards why things were done, or went a certain way. Having Yaz meant she was able to be this person and again that responsibility didn’t land on my husband. I would definitely want a Doula, well Yaz to be specific, at the birth of our next child
I would also really recommend your placenta services. This was something I wanted to use anyway and you took complete care of it. I honestly know that the consumption of my placenta (and yes it feels a bit strange to say that!) has made a huge difference in my recovery and overall well-being. I am one seriously content new Mama!
I am so grateful that you were able to be our Doula, things really work out how they should seeing as we didn’t organize it very far in advance. R and I both felt so comfortable with you from the moment we met you, which seeing as it takes a fair amount to make R feel trusting of someone, that’s definitely says a lot!
As a new parent it felt very reassuring to have the support of Yaz before and during the birth. Having Yaz with us made him less worried and felt safer, particularly for me during labour. It also felt very good to have help to prepare before the birth and to know we had the support there and available. He was very happy to have Yaz there to help who we already knew, even though we had just a few sessions beforehand, as opposed to only the nurses and doctor that we didn’t know. He felt very happy that not all the responsibility felt onto him!
Also by knowing that there was a western person of support with me meant a lot to me and gave me a lot of reassurance with being in a foreign country even as familiar that Thailand is for me. Plus having someone at the end of the phone in the days running up to giving birth who always responded positively as opposed to fear was really, really nice.
And I would really stress the important role that a Doula provides to both parents. I also felt that the hospital nurses and doctor were particularly respectful of my wishes and giving me space and time because of having a Doula with me. A friend had said about the importance of having someone at the birth who would be able to explain to you afterwards why things were done, or went a certain way. Having Yaz meant she was able to be this person and again that responsibility didn’t land on my husband. I would definitely want a Doula, well Yaz to be specific, at the birth of our next child
I would also really recommend your placenta services. This was something I wanted to use anyway and you took complete care of it. I honestly know that the consumption of my placenta (and yes it feels a bit strange to say that!) has made a huge difference in my recovery and overall well-being. I am one seriously content new Mama!
I am so grateful that you were able to be our Doula, things really work out how they should seeing as we didn’t organize it very far in advance. R and I both felt so comfortable with you from the moment we met you, which seeing as it takes a fair amount to make R feel trusting of someone, that’s definitely says a lot!
Cara and Roon
Ma femme et moi meme avons utilises les services de Yaz pour notre second enfant. Notre premier bebe est ne il y a deux ans en Angleterre et a ete pour nous deux un vrai traumatisme qui a termine en cesarienne, malgre une forte volonte d'avoir un accouchement naturel. Vivant depuis deux ans sur Bangkok maintenant, ma femme a contacte Yaz pour notre second bebe, nous avons travaille ensemble differents exercices sur plusieurs sessions la preparant a la deuxieme naissance. Ce qui l'a deja premierement beaucoup aide a se preparer physiquement et mentalement. Mais le plus important a ete la presence de Yaz durant la naissance de notre deuxieme bebe. Sa presence a ete d'une immense aide aussi bien pour ma femme pour l'aider a trouver les meilleures positions ainsi que les bons moments pour que les contractions soient les plus effectives possibles, que pour moi a fin d'aider et de supporter ma femme durant tout son travail.
Encore Yaz, merci enormement pour votre aide!
March 2018
Having had one baby and experienced the emotional ups and downs that went with the early days of motherhood with a newborn, for my second baby I was keen to anything that I could to try and help ease these highs and lows. I had had a very difficult first birth experience, ending with an emergency c-section and a hemorrhage, and I was also very anxious about this birth - I was away from home, trying to push for a natural birth whilst, on the inside, feeling very scared about the whole thing. In every sense, Yaz was a calming, comforting and very warm influence. She met with my husband and I before the birth, we talked about how I was feeling, how we were both feeling, how we could help our toddler adjust to the new arrival, how we could manage the healthcare situation in Thailand and get what we wanted in terms of a birth experience - all while managing my anxiety. There was nothing that was too much trouble, and we are truly thankful that Yaz came into our lives at a time when we were, quite frankly, terrified!
I had read about placenta encapsulation and knew that this was a service that Yaz offered, and I was keen to try this. The placenta is obviously a super organ as it has kept a baby thriving for 9 months, so I wanted to try and use it to help me postpartum. Yaz took the placenta from the hospital in a cool-box and worked her own special magic on it. It came back as bags of capsules ready for me to take, with clear instructions on how to take them. I expected results but they were literally amazing! My moods were definitely regulated: I still had the odd day of feeling a little low, but nothing like the first time and I definitely noticed that I felt worse on the few days I forgot to take them. My milk supply was boosted and, having had a second c-section, I am convinced that taking the tablets helped with the healing of my incision/scar. I was up and about, and pretty much fully mobile, in a week; on day 2 after the 1st c-section, I couldn't even get out of bed without a Tramadol injection. The body is an amazing thing so why not use something that has nourished and our babies to help nourish us? I would absolutely recommend placenta encapsulation to anyone, and I would most definitely recommend Yaz as a wonderful, caring and dedicated Doula.
I had read about placenta encapsulation and knew that this was a service that Yaz offered, and I was keen to try this. The placenta is obviously a super organ as it has kept a baby thriving for 9 months, so I wanted to try and use it to help me postpartum. Yaz took the placenta from the hospital in a cool-box and worked her own special magic on it. It came back as bags of capsules ready for me to take, with clear instructions on how to take them. I expected results but they were literally amazing! My moods were definitely regulated: I still had the odd day of feeling a little low, but nothing like the first time and I definitely noticed that I felt worse on the few days I forgot to take them. My milk supply was boosted and, having had a second c-section, I am convinced that taking the tablets helped with the healing of my incision/scar. I was up and about, and pretty much fully mobile, in a week; on day 2 after the 1st c-section, I couldn't even get out of bed without a Tramadol injection. The body is an amazing thing so why not use something that has nourished and our babies to help nourish us? I would absolutely recommend placenta encapsulation to anyone, and I would most definitely recommend Yaz as a wonderful, caring and dedicated Doula.
Amy M.